Book Description
Publication Date:
January 23, 2012
This anthology is a
thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not
yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known
and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite
with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare s finesse
to Oscar Wilde s wit, this unique collection brings together works
as diverse and influential as The Pilgrim s Progress and Othello. As
an anthology that invites readers to immerse themselves in the
masterpieces of the literary giants, it is must-have addition to any
Agriculture for
Beginners - Revised Edition by Charles William Burkett
Book Description
Publication Date: June
1, 1998 | ISBN-10: 0963810928 | ISBN-13: 978-0963810922
| Edition: 1st
Have you ever desired,
deep within your soul, to make a comfortable full-time living from a
farming enterprise? Too often people dare not even vocalize this
desire because it seems absurd. It's like thinking the unthinkable.
After all, the farm population is dwindling. It
takes too much capital to start. The pay is too low. The working
conditions are dusty, smelly and noisy: not the place to raise a
family. This is all true, and more, for most farmers.
But for farm entrepreneurs, the opportunities for
a farm family business have never been greater. The aging farm
population is creating cavernous niches begging to be filled by
creative visionaries who will go in dynamic new directions. As the
industrial agriculture complex crumbles and our culture clambers for
clean food, the countryside beckons anew with profitable farming
While this book can be helpful to all farmers, it
targets the wannabes, the folks who actually entertain notions of
living, loving and learning on a piece of land. Anyone willing to
dance with such a dream should be able to assess its assets and
liabilities; its fantasies and realities. "Is it really
possible for me?" is the burning question this book
You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Start & Succeed in a Farming Enterprise by Joel Salatin
You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Start & Succeed in a Farming Enterprise by Joel Salatin
Book Description
Publication Date:
January 28, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1439057761 | ISBN-13:
978-1439057766 | Edition: 4
integrates biological sciences with modern agricultural concepts.
Easy-to-follow and superbly illustrated, this text will develop the
reader's comprehension of Agriscience, as thorough coverage is given
to plant and animal systems, soils, cell functions, genetics,
genetic engineering, plant and animal reproduction, entomology, the
uses of biotechnology, environmental concerns as well as new
direction in agriculture and careers. The text also includes an
examination of the controversy and concerns over the use of genetic
engineering, genetically modified organisms, cloning, and their
perceived and potential dangers to humans and the environment. An
emphasis is placed on critical thinking, and practical activities to
reinforce key information are featured at the end of each chapter.
New directions in agriculture and agricultural career choices for
the 21st century are also considered.
The Science of
Agriculture: A Biological Approach by Ray V Herren
Book Description
Publication Date: June
1, 2006 | ISBN-10: 1583671218 | ISBN-13: 978-1583671214
Only once we understand
the long history of human efforts to draw sustenance from the land
can we grasp the nature of the crisis that faces humankind today, as
hundreds of millions of people are faced with famine or flight from
the land. From Neolithic times through the earliest civilizations of
the ancient Near East, in savannahs, river valleys and the terraces
created by the Incas in the Andean mountains, an increasing range of
agricultural techniques have developed in response to very different
conditions. These developments are recounted in this book, with
detailed attention to the ways in which plants, animals, soil,
climate, and society have interacted.
Mazoyer and Roudart’s A History of World
Agriculture is a path-breaking and panoramic work, beginning
with the emergence of agriculture after thousands of years in which
human societies had depended on hunting and gathering, showing how
agricultural techniques developed in the different regions of the
world, and how this extraordinary wealth of knowledge, tradition and
natural variety is endangered today by global capitialism, as it
forces the unequal agrarian heritages of the world to conform to the
norms of profit.
During the twentieth century, mechanization,
motorization and specialization have brought to a halt the pattern
of cultural and environmental responses that characterized the
global history of agriculture until then. Today a small number of
corporations have the capacity to impose the farming methods on the
planet that they find most profitable. Mazoyer and Roudart propose
an alternative global strategy that can safegaurd the economies of
the poor countries, reinvigorate the global economy, and create a
livable future for mankind.
Book Description
Publication Date:
January 8, 2011 | ISBN-10: 013503759X | ISBN-13:
978-0135037591 | Edition: 7
Financial Management in Agriculture, Seventh Edition,
introduces students to modern concepts and tools of finance,
developed and applied to the agricultural sector. Using case
studies, practical problems, and a lucid presentation, the text
focuses on planning, analyzing, and controlling business performance
in agriculture and related financial markets. This new edition
addresses recent structural changes in the food system, covering
important topics such as the growth in vertical coordination within
the food and fiber system, and the significant implications for
financial analysis and risk management by those managing or
financing the agricultural sector.
Financial Management in
Agriculture (7th Edition) by Peter Barry
Book Description
Publication Date: April
1, 2010
Start a mini farm on a
quarter acre or less, provide 85 percent of the food for a family of
four and earn an income.
Mini Farming
describes a holistic approach to small-area farming that will show
you how to produce 85 percent of an average family’s food on just
a quarter acre—and earn $10,000 in cash annually while spending
less than half the time that an ordinary job would require. Even if
you have never been a farmer or a gardener, this book covers
everything you need to know to get started: buying and saving seeds,
starting seedlings, establishing raised beds, soil fertility
practices, composting, dealing with pest and disease problems, crop
rotation, farm planning, and much more. Because self-sufficiency is
the objective, subjects such as raising backyard chickens and home
canning are also covered along with numerous methods for keeping
costs down and production high. Materials, tools, and techniques are
detailed with photographs, tables, diagrams, and illustrations.
Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre by Brett L. Markham
Book Description
Publication Date:
November 30, 2004
When Rudolf Steiner
gave these lectures eighty years ago, industrial farming was on the
rise and organic methods were being replaced in the name of science,
efficiency, and technology. With the widespread alarm over food
quality in recent years, and with the growth of the organic movement
and its mainstream acceptance, perceptions are changing. The
qualitative aspect of food is on the agenda again, and in this
context Steiner’s only course of lectures on agriculture is
critical to the current debate.
With these talks, Steiner created and launched
"biodynamic" farming—a form of agriculture that has come
to be regarded as the best organically produced food. However, the
agriculture Steiner speaks of here is much more than organic—it
involves working with the cosmos, with the earth, and with spiritual
beings. To facilitate this, Steiner prescribes specific
"preparations" for the soil, as well as other distinct
methods born from his profound understanding of the material and
spiritual worlds. He presents a comprehensive picture of the complex
dynamic relationships at work in nature and gives basic indications
of the practical measures needed to bring them into full play.
Agriculture Course: The
Birth of the Biodynamic Method by Rudolf Steiner
Book Description
Publication Date:
December 22, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0415773873 | ISBN-13:
978-0415773874 | Edition: 1
Civilization from its
origins has depended on the food, fibre, and other commodities
produced by farmers. In this unique exploration of the world history
of agriculture, Mark B. Tauger looks at farmers, farming, and their
relationships to non-farmers from the classical societies of the
Mediterranean and China through to the twenty-first century.
Viewing farmers as the most important human
interface between civilization and the natural world, Agriculture
in World History examines the ways that urban societies have
both exploited and supported farmers, and together have endured the
environmental changes and crises that threatened food production.
Accessibly written and following a chronological
structure, Agriculture in World History illuminates these
topics through studies of farmers in numerous countries all over the
world from Antiquity to the contemporary period. Key themes
addressed include the impact of global warming, the role of
political and social transformations, and the development of
agricultural technology. In particular, the book highlights the
complexities of recent decades: increased food production, declining
numbers of farmers, and environmental, economic, and political
challenges to increasing food production against the demands of a
growing population. This wide-ranging survey will be an
indispensable text for students of world history, and for
anyone interested in the historical development of the present
agricultural and food crises.
Agriculture in World
History (Themes in World History) by Mark B. Tauger
Book Description
Publication Date: June
1, 2008
Americans decry the decline of family farming but stand by
helplessly as industrial agribusiness takes over. The prevailing
sentiment is that family farms should survive for important social,
ethical, and economic reasons. But will they? This timely book
exposes the biases in American farm policies that irrationally
encourage expansion, biases evident in federal commodity programs,
income tax provisions, and subsidized credit services. Family
Farming also exposes internal conflicts, particularly the
conflict between the private interests of individual farmers and the
public interest in family farming as a whole. It challenges the
assumption that bigger is better, critiques the technological basis
of modern agriculture, and calls for farming practices that are
ethical, economical, and ecologically sound. The alternative
policies discussed in this book could yet save the family farm, and
the ways and means of saving it are argued here with special
This Bison Books
edition includes a new introduction by the author providing a more
national perspective, underscoring the repetitive cycles of American
agriculture over the decade, and assessing the major policy issues
that have dominated agriculture in recent years.
Family Farming: A New
Economic Vision, New Edition by Marty Strange
Book Description
Publication Date: April
24, 2012
Supermarket produce sections bulging with a
year-round supply of perfectly round, bright red-orange tomatoes
have become all but a national birthright. But in Tomatoland,
which is based on his James Beard Award-winning article, "The
Price of Tomatoes," investigative food journalist Barry
Estabrook reveals the huge human and environmental cost of the $5
billion fresh tomato industry. Fields are sprayed with more than one
hundred different herbicides and pesticides. Tomatoes are picked
hard and green and artificially gassed until their skins acquire a
marketable hue. Modern plant breeding has tripled yields, but has
also produced fruits with dramatically reduced amounts of calcium,
vitamin A, and vitamin C, and tomatoes that have fourteen times more
sodium than the tomatoes our parents enjoyed. The relentless drive
for low costs has fostered a thriving modern-day slave trade in the
United States. How have we come to this point?
Estabrook traces the supermarket tomato from its
birthplace in the deserts of Peru to the impoverished town of
Immokalee, Florida, a.k.a. the tomato capital of the United States.
He visits the laboratories of seedsmen trying to develop varieties
that can withstand the rigors of agribusiness and still taste like a
garden tomato, and then moves on to commercial growers who operate
on tens of thousands of acres, and eventually to a hillside field in
Pennsylvania, where he meets an obsessed farmer who produces
delectable tomatoes for the nation's top restaurants.
Throughout Tomatoland, Estabrook presents
a who's who cast of characters in the tomato industry: the avuncular
octogenarian whose conglomerate grows one out of every eight
tomatoes eaten in the United States; the ex-Marine who heads the
group that dictates the size, color, and shape of every tomato
shipped out of Florida; the U.S. attorney who has doggedly
prosecuted human traffickers for the past decade; and the Guatemalan
peasant who came north to earn money for his parents' medical bills
and found himself enslaved for two years.
Tomatoland reads like a suspenseful
whodunit as well as an expose of today's agribusiness systems and
the price we pay as a society when we take taste and thought out of
our food purchases.
Tomatoland: How Modern
Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit by Barry
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