Saturday, October 13, 2012


1.Step-Up to Medicine (Step-Up Series) [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: April 7, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0781771536 | ISBN-13: 978-0781771535 | Edition: Second, North American Edition

This book is a primary review tool to prepare students for both the internal medicine clerkship and the end-rotation NBME shelf examination. This logical alternative to several limited-focus books blends a bullet-outline format students prefer in a review book with comprehensive paragraphs, as needed, for optimal preparation. Illustrations, charts, tables, graphs, mnemonics, and "Quick Hits" pearls for the clerkship speed and supplement learning. Ample content without superfluous detail enables students to readily evaluate and expand their knowledge of cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, hematology, neurology, endocrinology, rheumatology, nephrology, genitourinary disorders, fluids and electrolytes, dermatology, and musculoskeletal problems.
A new section in this Second Edition presents 100 USMLE-style clinical vignette-based questions with answers. A color insert contains over thirty full-color images.
A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and color photographs.

Step-Up to Medicine (Step-Up Series) by Steven S. Agabegi

2.Medicine Fifth Edition [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: July 15, 2002 | ISBN-10: 0781725437 | ISBN-13: 978-0781725439 | Edition: Fifth

Crystal-clear and easy-to-read, this popular text focuses on the essential pathophysiology, diagnoses, and management of the most common clinical situations. The Fifth Edition updates all diagnostic and therapeutic information and increases the number of illustrations and x-rays. Detailed coverage of when to hospitalize a patient can be found in the management sections of each chapter. The STD and HIV/AIDS chapters have been heavily modified for this edition, and there is also expanded coverage of genetics, geriatrics, and transplantation. A must have for medical students and residents.

Medicine Fifth Edition by Mark C Fishman

3.The Atlas of Emergency Medicine, Third Edition [Hardcover]

Book Description

Publication Date: August 4, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0071496181 | ISBN-13: 978-0071496186 | Edition: 3

The most complete and trusted visual compendium of emergency medicine—extensively updated with 1500 full-color illustrations
A Doody's Core Title for 2011!
"This is an excellent study aid, especially for visual learners....This atlas is perhaps the most comprehensive source of high quality emergency medicine images available....This book is outstanding. I used it just before my in-service exam and found it a delightful way to solidify the information with images, which greatly increases the chance of recall."--Doody's Review Service
Ideally suited to the bedside practice of emergency medicine, The Atlas of Emergency Medicine is the ultimate visual guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common and uncommon conditions encountered in the Emergency Department. Filled with 1500 crisp, clear full-color images, this essential clinical companion is logically organized by organ system and then by problem, making it a practical quick reference for medical students, residents in training, new graduates preparing for their certification exam, the practicing physician, and instructors.
The third edition of The Atlas of Emergency Medicine features an even more streamlined presentation with clear, concise text and an unmatched collection of diagnoses-speeding images. Forming the core of the book, these images show you what to look for and are accompanied by brief, high-yield descriptions of clinical problems. The new edition also features an enhanced template, and new coverage of airway emergencies, tropical conditions, toxicologic emergencies, and electrocardiographs.
  • 1,500 full-color clinical photographs (more than twice the amount found in the previous edition)
  • New chapter template:
    Clinical Summary”: clinically relevant observations on differential diagnosis
    Emergency Department Treatment and Disposition”: a brief overview of need-to-know diagnostic guidelines and recommendations
    Clinical Pearls”: instructive tips and insights on specific aspects of conditions which are difficult to find in other texts
  • Four new chapters that enhance the book’s hands-on value:
    Tropical Medicine: reflects an increased emphasis on global access to healthcare and easier patient travel
    Toxicology: features an up-to-date, authoritative review of how to diagnose and treat selected toxicological emergencies
    ECG Abnormalities: presents turnkey insights into the rapid recognition of pathological ECG’s, highlighting the electrocardiographic characteristics of each featured clinical problem
    Airway Procedures: includes essential information that guides, improves, and expedites the management of airway emergencies

The Atlas of Emergency Medicine, Third Edition by Kevin Knoop

4.Goldman's Cecil Medicine: Expert Consult Premium Edition -- Enhanced Online Features and Print, Two Volume Set, 24e (Cecil Medicine (2 Vol.)) [Hardcover]

Book Description

Publication Date: August 8, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1437727883 | ISBN-13: 978-1437727883 | Edition: 24

Since 1927, Goldman's Cecil Medicine has been the world's most influential internal medicine reference. Edited by Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I. Schafer, MD, with associate editors and contributors who number among the most recognized and respected authorities in the field, Cecil continues to set the standard for all other resources of its kind. This dynamic, multi-media reference - with its practical, straightforward style, accessible organization, evidence-ranked references, and robust online content - is quite simply the fastest and best place to find all of the authoritative, state-of-the-art clinical answers you need.
  • Stay on the cutting edge with updates personally selected by Dr. Lee Goldman and regularly integrated directly into each chapter online.
  • Simplify and expedite decision making with practical, well-organized, templated chapters that include evidence-ranked references and algorithms to make clinically essential information leap right off the page.
  • Access the fully searchable text online anywhere, anytime at
  • Stay current with the latest knowledge and evidence-based practices. Comprehensive updates throughout include a brand-new chapter on "Applications of Molecular Technologies to Clinical Medicine," a completely revamped section on infectious diseases, and coverage of the very latest cardiovascular techniques and treatments.
  • Be certain with expert, dependable, accurate answers from Dr. Goldman and an editorial team that is a veritable "who's who" of modern medicine - including Jeffrey Drazen, MD, Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and new associate editor Wendy Levinson, MD, 2009-2010 Chair of the Board of Directors of the American Board of Internal Medicine. Almost all contributors currently hold positions as Chairs of Internal Medicine departments around the U.S. and Canada and all are at the forefront of their respective subspecialty areas.
  • Reference information more quickly thanks to a new, streamlined print format and easily searchable online access to supplemental figures, tables, algorithms, additional references, and expanded discussions as well as procedural videos, Seldom Asked Questions, and case studies.
Cecil - the best internal medicine resource available since 1927 - far exceeds the competition in versatility, ease-of-use and up-to-datedness.

Goldman's Cecil Medicine: Expert Consult Premium Edition -- Enhanced Online Features and Print, Two Volume Set, 24e (Cecil Medicine (2 Vol.)) by Lee Goldman MD

5.The Art of Medicine: Over 2,000 Years of Images and Imagination [Hardcover

Book Description

Publication Date: February 1, 2012

Since ancient times people have depended on medical practitioners to enhance life, to treat illness and injuries, and to help reduce pain and suffering. The scientifically based discipline that we know today stands beside diverse traditions, belief systems, and bodies of medical knowledge that have evolved in fascinating ways across cultures and continents. Throughout this history, successive generations have created artistic representations of these varied aspects of medicine, illustrating instruction manuals, documenting treatments, and creating works of art that enable individuals to express their feelings and ideas about medicine, health, and illness. From ancient wall paintings and tomb carvings to sculpture, installations, and digitally created artworks, the results are extraordinary and pay tribute to how medicine has affected our lives and the lives of our ancestors.  
Drawing on the remarkable holdings of the Wellcome Collection in London, The Art of Medicine offers a unique gallery of rarely seen paintings, artifacts, drawings, prints, and extracts from manuscripts and manuals to provide a fascinating visual insight into our knowledge of the human body and mind, and how both have been treated with medicine. Julie Anderson, Emm Barnes, and Emma Shackleton take readers on a fascinating visual journey through the history of medical practice, exploring contemporary biomedical images, popular art, and caricature alongside venerable Chinese scrolls, prehistoric Mesoamerican drawings, paintings of the European Renaissance, medieval Persian manuscripts, and more. The result is a rare and remarkable visual account of what it was and is to be human in sickness and health.

The Art of Medicine: Over 2,000 Years of Images and Imagination by Julie Anderson

6.The Language of Medicine, 9e [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: February 10, 2010 | ISBN-10: 1437705707 | ISBN-13: 978-1437705706 | Edition: 9

The market-leader in medical terminology, Chabner's popular, proven The Language of Medicine brings medical language to life and helps you develop the understanding to communicate fluently in the healthcare setting. Terms and complex medical processes are accessible and easy to understand at all learning levels with an approach that explains terms in the context of anatomy and physiology, as well as how the body works in health and disease. Organized by body system, this combined text/workbook details additional key areas of health care, such as cancer and psychiatry, and is accompanied by full-color illustrations, exercises, and unique supplemental resources that reinforce your comprehension and help you establish the practical foundation for a successful career in healthcare.
  • Clear, straightforward approach makes content easy to understand without any previous medical or scientific background.
  • Text/workbook combination facilitates valuable independent study opportunities through labeling exercises, pronunciation tests, and review sheets.
  • Practical case studies, vignettes, and exercises familiarize you with real-life applications of terminology.
  • Full-color images reinforce anatomical and pathophysiological terms.
  • Pronunciation of Terms list at the end of each chapter breaks down terms phonetically to help you master proper pronunciations.
  • Medical report exercises in each chapter utilize chart notes, histories, and reports to give you practice working with realistic documents.
  • Additional pathology photos clarify terminology and help you identify medical conditions you may encounter in practice.
  • Updated content reflects the latest advances in digestive system operative procedures, the human genome project, normal values for tests in practical applications, and muscle function.
  • The companion CD tests your ability to identify terms by their pronunciation and provides a fun, engaging way to review terms through games, study tips, photographs, video clips, and animations.
  • A companion Evolve website enables you to assess your understanding with quizzes for each chapter that provide immediate feedback to help you identify specific areas for review.

The Language of Medicine, 9e by Davi-Ellen Chabner

7.Medicine, Miracle and Magic in New Testament Times (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series) [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: November 25, 1988 | ISBN-10: 0521368189 | ISBN-13: 978-0521368186

This book sketches and illustrates in detail the range of understandings of the human condition and remedies for ills that prevailed when Jesus and the apostles - as well as their successors - were spreading the Christian message and launching Christian communities in the Graeco-Roman world. Healing played so prominent a part in Jesus' ministry as depicted in the New Testament that it is important to understand that aspect of his appeal in the context of the ways in which it was understood by Greeks, Romans and Jews of the time. Some saw sickness as the result of magic performed against the victims by enemies, others as the work of demons. Some saw health as the result of ordering life according to nature, emphasising the beneficial effects of natural substances. Jewish attitudes, for example, ranged widely over the centuries from hostility towards physicians to regard for them as men endowed by God with special knowledge for human benefit.

Medicine, Miracle and Magic in New Testament Times (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series) by Howard Clark Kee

8.Hospital Medicine: Just The Facts [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: June 9, 2008 | ISBN-10: 007146395X | ISBN-13: 978-0071463959 | Edition: 1

Expertly manage the most common diseases and conditions encountered in hospital medicine!
"Practical books such as this one take a giant step to bringing together the current body of usable knowledge to help hospitalists succeed....Hospitalists need to rely on books like this one for up to date information."--Laurence D. Wellikson, MD, FACP, CEO, Society of Hospital Medicine (from the foreword)
This concise yet comprehensive review is the perfect tool to prepare for certification, re-certification, and CME--or for use as a clinical refresher. Featuring expert insights, its highly efficient format conveniently condenses and simplifies must-know content for maximum yield and minimum time.
  • Ideal for both specialists and generalists who manage subspecialty care in the increasingly complex hospital environment
  • Complete, A-to-Z overview of all diseases and disorders commonly seen by hospitalists
  • Expert, up-to-date coverage of unique, need-to-know concepts in hospital medicine--including key clinical, organizational, and administrative issues
  • Practical coverage of the most common diagnostic-related groups in hospital-based health care
  • An incisive look at patient safety that helps you ensure optimal care
  • Logically organized, easy-to-follow chapters help focus your study and provide rapid access to specific subjects
  • Includes coverage of key organizational and administrative issues

Hospital Medicine: Just The Facts by Sylvia McKean

9.CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2011 (LANGE CURRENT Series) [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: September 15, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0071700552 | ISBN-13: 978-0071700559 | Edition: 50

The 50th Anniversary Edition of the World’s Most Popular Annual General Medicine Book – Celebrated with a New Full-Color Design
Includes 5 online-only chapters at no additional cost at
Your first place to turn for current developments that promise better patient care
A Doody's Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011!
"This 50th anniversary edition brings some nice upgrades to this comprehensive book on the majority of topics that primary care physicians encounter in their offices....This book has the tremendous benefit of being updated yearly and thus has stood the test of time for recognizing what is helpful and what works. It is well worth the price and a great addition to a primary care practitioner's library."--Doody's Review Service
Written by clinicians renowned in their respective fields, CMDT offers the most current insight into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, and treatment for more than 1,000 diseases and disorders. For each topic you’ll find concise, evidence-based answers to questions regarding both hospital and ambulatory medicine. This streamlined clinical companion is the fastest and easiest way to keep abreast of the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more.
MORE usable patient-care information in LESS text:
  • A strong focus on the clinical diagnosis and patient management tools essential to daily practice
  • Full review of all internal medicine and primary care topics, including gynecology and obstetrics, dermatology, neurology, and ophthalmology
  • The only text with an annual review of advances in HIV treatment
  • Hundreds of drug treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated prices – plus helpful diagnostic and treatment algorithms
  • Recent references with PMID numbers for fast access to abstracts or full-text articles
  • ICD-9 codes listed on the inside covers
  • Five online-only chapters available at no additional cost at
NEW to this edition:
  • Full-color photos and illustrations integrated with text throughout book, including much expanded dermatology and ophthalmology images
  • Newly introduced topics: E. coli O145, floppy iris syndrome, and expanded coverage of H1N1 influenza A
  • New information: emerging role for B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) as marker of early left ventricular myocardial failure, new approaches to correction of aortic stenosis and to aortic regurgitation in Marfan syndrome, risks of typical and atypical antipsychotic medications, and new hypoglycemic agents
  • Substantial update on cardiology and hypertension, including use of stents and cardiac resynchronization therapy with biventricular pacemaker insertion, recent ACC/AHA criteria for appropriateness of coronary revascularization, use of prasugrel and clopidogrel compared with aspirin in prevention of stent thrombosis, dronedarone and catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation and dabigatran versus warfarin in prevention of atrial fibrillation-related stroke, as well as guidelines for developing an antihypertensive regimen
  • Updated information on pathogenesis and treatment of immune and drug-induced thrombocytopenia, new investigational anticoagulants such as rivaroxaban and idraparinux, risk stratification and prophylactic regimens for deep venous thrombosis and venous thromboembolism, and a prognostic model for pulmonary emboli
  • Expanded information on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis, approaches to the diagnosis of syphilis, diagnosis and complications with borreliosis and its coinfections, acute and chronic viral hepatitides, amyloidosis, treatment and prognosis of venous stasis ulcers, and therapy for heat stroke and burns
  • Substantially updated treatment sections: HIV infections and AIDS and advances in therapy for breast cancer in women
  • Updated section on immunization requirements
  • New CMDT Online chapter on Sports Medicine and Outpatient Orthopedics

CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2011 (LANGE CURRENT Series) by Stephen McPhee

10.Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 8e (Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Professions) [Hardcover]

Book Description

Publication Date: December 9, 2008 | ISBN-10: 0323049370 | ISBN-13: 978-0323049375 | Edition: 8

So much more than just a dictionary... the completely revised, bestselling, trusted Mosby's Dictionary is the all-in-one reference you need to help you make sense of the complex world of health care. It features superior-quality definitions plus 2,400 full-color illustrations -- nearly three times more than any other dictionary available! But that's only the beginning. Mosby's Dictionary also includes encyclopedic entries to explain more difficult concepts in depth, 12 appendixes with practical quick-reference information, plus the Mosby's Medical Spellchecker CD. It's the ONE reference you'll turn to from beginning to end!
  • Over 51,000 comprehensive, authoritative, high-quality definitions -- including definitions for major diseases, disorders, drugs, and procedures -- offer the most accurate, complete information available in all areas of nursing, medicine, and health-related professions.
  • Approximately 2,400 color photographs and line drawings -- nearly three times more than any other health care dictionary -- illustrate all subject areas to help you understand concepts.
  • The practical, straightforward alphabetical organization with no subentries and easy-to-use features such as thumb tabs, entry words in color, and large, easy-to-read print make it easy to find and understand information.
  • Expanded definitions for selected entries, particularly major diseases, disorders, and procedures, offer detailed information in one spot to help you understand more difficult concepts.
  • Hundreds of lab test and surgical procedure definitions explain the purpose, procedures, patient care, and expected outcomes.
  • Comprehensive definitions for drugs -- with over 200 new to this edition -- include indications, contraindications, and adverse effects for safe medication practice.
  • Definitions for more than 50 complementary and alternative medical therapies and over 100 herbs familiarize you with options today's patients may choose.
  • Pronunciations and word roots for key entries help you use terminology correctly in everyday practice.
  • Includes British spellings for selected entries to help you recognize alternate spellings.
  • A Color Atlas of Human Anatomy contains 43 pages of clearly labeled drawings for easy A&P review and reference.
  • 12 appendixes offer useful information you'll turn to again and again -- with a quick-reference list of all appendixes in the front of the book.
  • A companion EVOLVE website deepens understanding with:
    • Over 35,000 audio pronunciations
    • A printable version of the Color Atlas of Human Anatomy
    • 11 pages discussing complementary and alternative medicine
    • A printable English-Spanish phrase book
    • 12 pages of herb-drug interactions
    • 400 interactive medical terminology review exercises
    • An extensive directory of health care organizations and resources
    • And much more!
  • Approximately 5,000 new definitions, with special emphasis on definitions related to new drugs, anatomy and physiology, surgical procedures, lab tests, and new technological developments, keep you up to date on the latest developments in health care.
  • Over 30,000 completely revised definitions and 800 updated illustrations ensure you have the most current information in all areas of nursing, medicine, and the health-related professions.
  • UNIQUE! Mosby's Medical Spellchecker CD -- included with each copy of Mosby's Dictionary -- contains over 450,000 medical terms you can use with your word processing software to save time and ensure accuracy.
  • A completely revised section on nursing diagnoses with entries for all NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses, Nursing Interventions Classifications, and Nursing Outcomes Classifications helps prepare you for real-world practice.

Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 8e (Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Professions) by Mosby

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