Thursday, October 11, 2012


1.The Politics [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: October 15, 1985 | ISBN-10: 0226026698 | ISBN-13: 978-0226026695

This new translation of one of the fundamental texts of Western political thought combines strict fidelity to Aristotle's Greek with a contemporary English prose style. Lord's intention throughout is to retain Aristotle's distinctive style.

The accompanying notes provide literary and historical references, call attention to textual problems, and supply other essential information and interpretation. A glossary supplies working definitions of key terms in Aristotle's philosophical-political vocabulary as well as a guide to linguistic relationships that are not always reflected in equivalent English terms. Lord's extensive Introduction presents a detailed account of Aristotle's life in relation to the political situation and events of his time and then discusses the problematic character and history of Aristotle's writings in general and of the Politics in particular. Lord also outlines Aristotle's conception of political science, tracing its relation to theoretical science on the one hand and to ethics on the other. In conclusion, he briefly traces the subsequent history and influence of the Politics up to modern times.

"Lord's translation is clearly the best available."—Claremont Review
The Politics by Aristotle

2.Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class [Paperback]

Book Description

Release Date: March 15, 2011

A groundbreaking work that identifies the real culprit behind one of the great economic crimes of our time— the growing inequality of incomes between the vast majority of Americans and the richest of the rich.
We all know that the very rich have gotten a lot richer these past few decades while most Americans haven’t. In fact, the exorbitantly paid have continued to thrive during the current economic crisis, even as the rest of Americans have continued to fall behind. Why do the “haveit- alls” have so much more? And how have they managed to restructure the economy to reap the lion’s share of the gains and shift the costs of their new economic playground downward, tearing new holes in the safety net and saddling all of us with increased debt and risk? Lots of so-called experts claim to have solved this great mystery, but no one has really gotten to the bottom of it—until now.
In their lively and provocative Winner-Take-All Politics, renowned political scientists Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson demonstrate convincingly that the usual suspects—foreign trade and financial globalization, technological changes in the workplace, increased education at the top—are largely innocent of the charges against them. Instead, they indict an unlikely suspect and take us on an entertaining tour of the mountain of evidence against the culprit. The guilty party is American politics. Runaway inequality and the present economic crisis reflect what government has done to aid the rich and what it has not done to safeguard the interests of the middle class. The winner-take-all economy is primarily a result of winner-take-all politics.
In an innovative historical departure, Hacker and Pierson trace the rise of the winner-take-all economy back to the late 1970s when, under a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress, a major transformation of American politics occurred. With big business and conservative ideologues organizing themselves to undo the regulations and progressive tax policies that had helped ensure a fair distribution of economic rewards, deregulation got under way, taxes were cut for the wealthiest, and business decisively defeated labor in Washington. And this transformation continued under Reagan and the Bushes as well as under Clinton, with both parties catering to the interests of those at the very top. Hacker and Pierson’s gripping narration of the epic battles waged during President Obama’s first two years in office reveals an unpleasant but catalyzing truth: winner-take-all politics, while under challenge, is still very much with us.
Winner-Take-All Politics—part revelatory history, part political analysis, part intellectual journey— shows how a political system that traditionally has been responsive to the interests of the middle class has been hijacked by the superrich. In doing so, it not only changes how we think about American politics, but also points the way to rebuilding a democracy that serves the interests of the many rather than just those of the wealthy few.

Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class by Jacob S. Hacker

3.The Logic of American Politics, 5th Edition [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: July 12, 2011 | ISBN-10: 1608712753 | ISBN-13: 978-1608712755 | Edition: 5th

The American people and their government are deeply at odds over how best to overcome the obstacles currently facing the country. After observing the strains of intense partisanship and divided government, your students are probably asking what logic, if any, can be found in politics. The new fifth edition of Logic reaffirms this best-seller's place as the most accessible smart book on the market. Weaving together historical context, current politics, and analytic concepts, Logic builds students understanding of political institutions and practices as imperfect solutions to collective action problems.
Consistently praised for its engaging narrative, Logic hooks students with great storytelling while arming them with a toolkit of institutional design concepts command, veto, agenda control, voting rules, delegation.
Walking students through examples of how each concept works, the authors also highlight passages that apply collective action themes so students cannot miss key points.
Up-to-date in its coverage of such hot-button issues as health care and financial reform, the midterm elections, racial profiling and immigration, this fifth edition also pays special attention to political polarization. Throughout the book, the authors consistently return to the country's divide among constituents and in government as they guide students through the fundamentals of American politics.
More than 100 tables, figures, and maps offer visual context to an array of political data and analysis, while over 230 carefully chosen photographs enhance the book s examples and insights. Bolded key terms, a glossary, annotated reading lists, review questions, and a companion website help students read, think, and study.

The Logic of American Politics, 5th Edition by Samuel Kernell

4.Essential Readings in Comparative Politics (Third Edition) [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: August 31, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0393934012 | ISBN-13: 978-0393934014 | Edition: Third Edition

An affordable companion reader to Essentials of Comparative Politics, including the classic ideas and contemporary debates that inform comparative politics today.
Essential Readings in Comparative Politics, Third Edition, is the most affordable reader that combines classic theoretical works, contemporary scholarship, and serious journalistic pieces for undergraduate comparative politics courses. Designed to complement the text, the reader’s chapters are organized thematically around major topics. The third edition includes 40% new readings.

Essential Readings in Comparative Politics (Third Edition) by Patrick H. O'Neil

5.World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: July 9, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0393927091 | ISBN-13: 978-0393927092

A contemporary analytical approach to international relations written at a level that introductory students can grasp. Why are there wars? Why do countries have a hard time cooperating to prevent genocides or global environmental problems? Why are some countries rich while others are poor? Organized around the puzzles that draw scholars and students alike to the study of world politics, this book gives students the tools they need to think analytically about compelling questions like these.<BR><BR>World Politics introduces a contemporary analytical framework based on interests, interactions, and institutions. Drawing extensively on recent research, the authors use this flexible framework throughout the text to get students thinking like political scientists as they explore the major topics in international relations. .

World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions by Jeffry A. Frieden

6.Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: October 20, 2010 | Series: What Everyone Needs to Know

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed by President Obama in March 2010 is a landmark in U.S. social legislation. The new law extends health insurance to nearly all Americans, fulfilling a century-long quest and bringing the United States to parity with other industrial nations. Affordable Care aims to control rapidly rising health care costs and promises to make the United States more equal, reversing four decades of rising disparities between the very rich and everyone else. Millions of people of modest means will gain new benefits and protections from insurance company abuses - and the tab will be paid by privileged corporations and the very rich.

How did such a bold reform effort pass in a polity wracked by partisan divisions and intense lobbying by special interests? What does Affordable Care mean - and what comes next? In Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know, Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol--two of the nation's leading experts on politics and health care policy--provide a concise and accessible overview. They explain the political battles of 2009 and 2010, highlighting White House strategies, the deals Democrats cut with interest groups, and the impact of agitation by Tea Partiers and progressives. Jacobs and Skocpol spell out what the new law can do for everyday Americans, what it will cost, and who will pay. Above all, they explain what comes next, as critical yet often behind-the-scenes battles rage over implementing reform nationally and in the fifty states. Affordable Care might end up being weakened. But, like Social Security and Medicare, it could also gain strength and popularity as the majority of Americans learn what it can do for them.

Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know by Lawrence R. Jacobs

7.AP Comparative Government and Politics: An Essential Coursebook and Study Guide, 5th ed. [Perfect Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: October 10, 2011

This all new 5th edition of Ethel Wood's book is expanded to help students to understand the AP Comparative Government and Politics curriculum. It is fully updated, and includes all new multiple-choice and free-response questions

AP Comparative Government and Politics: An Essential Coursebook and Study Guide, 5th ed. by Ethel Wood

8.Essentials of Comparative Politics (Third Edition) [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: August 7, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0393933768 | ISBN-13: 978-0393933765 | Edition: Third Edition

The most complete, flexible, and affordable Comparative Politics package on the market.
Essentials of Comparative Politics introduces students to the concepts that political scientists use to study and compare political systems and the particulars of specific political systems. The text is available with a corresponding casebook of 14 country studies and a reader—the three components can be used individually or in any combination.

The Third Edition has been revised and updated to include the most current and relevant examples; it includes a robust suite of emedia resources for students and instructors. The Comparative Politics package provides maximum value to students—the textbook/casebook/reader package is priced comparably to most standalone country studies textbooks.

Essentials of Comparative Politics (Third Edition) by Patrick H. O'Neil

9.Essential Readings in World Politics (Fourth Edition) (The Norton Series in World Politics) [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: October 27, 2010 | ISBN-10: 0393935345 | ISBN-13: 978-0393935349 | Edition: Fourth Edition

Key literature on international relations—from classics to the contemporary issues debated by scholars today.
Selections in each chapter reflect diverse perspectives on major topics in international relations, and thorough headnotes provide the context and background that students need. The Fourth Edition includes new readings on current topics like the global financial crisis, Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and the international reach of political Islam.

Essential Readings in World Politics (Fourth Edition) (The Norton Series in World Politics) by Karen A. Mingst

10.International Politics on the World Stage [Paperback]

Book Description

Publication Date: December 6, 2007 | ISBN-10: 0073403881 | ISBN-13: 978-0073403885 | Edition: 12

One of the leading texts on the IR market, John Rourke’s International Politics on the World Stage provides a balanced and comprehensive study of international relations that combines theory, history, and current trends and events. The modern international system, a background history of how it evolved in its present form, as well as transformations that are shaping the 21st century are presented in a straightforward, accessible discussion, without undermining the complexity of world political issues. The text lives up to its reputation of including the latest events and developments of the world stage. Rourke discusses political theory, including contemporary approaches such as constructivism and postmodernism, in the opening chapter. He brings theoretical concepts to life with illustrative examples taken from major current world events, so students see how theory plays out in the real world.
The text covers major issues of the twenty-first century, such as the structure of the modern state in the international system, globalization and the political economy, global security, the rise of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, human rights, and the environment. These topics linked through the chapters in the text give students a grasp of the underlying patterns in world politics, so that they can interpret events they see on the evening news or on the Internet. As in previous editions, the text shows students how politics affects our everyday lives and emphasizes the importance of being politically aware, making informed decisions, and taking responsible action.

International Politics on the World Stage by John Rourke

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